Ahmad Rifai, ketua
panitia, menyebutkan pelatihan
tersebut dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas pengelola radio sekaligus
mempromosikan gagasan bahwa masyarakat juga berhak untuk mengelola
informasi. “Sumber informasi bukan hanya media mainstream, masyarakat pun berhak memberitakan hal-hal
yang dekat dengan keseharian mereka,”
kata Rifai. Rudi Rustam, pemateri dari Jirak Celebes, menguatkan Rifai. “Penyiaran komunitas
menganut prinsip dari, oleh
dan untuk masyarakat. Informasinya bersifat bottom up atau
mewakili suara masyarakat,”
Hampir senada, Kepala
Desa Magani Amran Akmal,
mengharap peran Sicma FM lebih dari sekadar sumber informasi dan hiburan.
“Saya juga berharap radio ini nantinya akan menjadi alat kontrol
sosial dan corong bagi masyarakat Nuha,”
Sejalan dengan misinya sebagai radio komunitas, Sicma FM akan mengelola informasi yang
menyentuh sebanyak mungkin elemen masyarakat di Sorowako. “Termasuk
kehidupan masyarakat, karyawan, informasi keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, kebijakan pemerintah daerah, bahkan masalah pertanian,” pungkas Rifai.
After years of void of radio broadcasting,
Sorowako air is filled again with wave aired by Sicma FM, a community radio run by youth in the village of Magani. Initiated in 2000, the radio station is part of Sorowako Intellectual
Club Magani (Sicma). Along the way,
technical and legal issues often hampered the radio which is aired on
101.1 Mhz.

Ignited by a brief workshop with the activists Indonesian
Community Radio Network (JRKI),
in early November, Sicma
activist arranged an event called "School of Community
involving 39 participants. Among other were Sicma FM , village and district government
representatives and high school students in Sorowako. Supported by PT
Vale management and Jirak Celebes,
JRKI's network in South Sulawesi, the event was held on 8-9 December 2012, at A1 HRPD and the radio's studio at Jalan
Ahmad Rifai, committee
coordinator, said the training
is intended to improve the capacity of the radio management, while,
at the same time, promoting
the idea of community-based information management."Nowadays, the source of information is not only the
mainstream media. Community has the right to publicize tidbits of its
daily live," said Rifai.
Rudi Rustam, representing Jirak Celebes, strengthening Rifai's remark.
"Community broadcasting is based on the principle that information
is from, by, and for the community. It follows a
bottom-up model or representing the voice of the people," said Rudi.
In a similar tone,
Magani village head Amran Akmal,
expected that Sicma FM's role is more than merely an information and
entertainment channel. "I hope this radio will serve as a mean of
social control and the mouthpiece for Nuha community," he said.
In line with its mission as a community radio, Sicma FM will manage the information that
touches as many elements of society in Sorowako. "Including the
lives of the community,
employees, safety and health
information, government policies, and even agricultural issues," said Rifai. |
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