Pro Asi Sorowako (PAS),
bekerjasama dengan Asosiasi Ibu Menyusu Indonesia (AIMI) wilayah Sulawesi
Selatan, menggelar ASIVaganza
2, sebuah acara sosialisasi
dan edukasi manfaat air susu ibu (ASI) bagi bayi,
Sabtu, 8 Desember 2012, di halaman Kantor Kecamatan Nuha. Acara serupa juga
digelar serentak di 7 tempat lainnya di Makassar dan Maros.
Acara yang
didukung Divisi Public Health RS Inco ini dibuka oleh istri Camat Nuha
dan diikuti 80-an peserta. “Yang bergabung tidak hanya ibu hamil
dan menyusui, tapi juga para
suami, kakek-nenek, juga para lajang,”
ujar Yuni Natsir, ketua
panitia. Materi sosialisasi dihantarkan oleh dr. Imelda Hady, dokter spesialis anak di RS Inco sekaligus
salah satu konselor ASI di wilayah Luwu Timur.
Di pengujung acara,
sejumlah peserta, termasuk
para suami dan nenek, berbagi
cerita mengenai upaya mereka mendukung pemberian ASI. |
Pro Asi Sorowako (PAS),
in cooperation with the Nursing Mothers Association of Indonesia (AIMI)
of South Sulawesi, held
ASIVaganaza 2, a socialization
and educational event on the benefits of breast milk (ASI) for infants, on Saturday,
December 8, 2012, at the yard of Nuha Sub-district Office.
Similar events were held simultaneously at 7 other places in Makassar and Maros.
The event,
attended by 80's participants,
supported by Public Health division of Inco Hospital, was formally opened by the wife of Nuha
head. "The event not only involved pregnant and nursing mothers, but also the husbands,
grandparents, as well as
several singles," said
Yuni Natsir, the event
coordinator. The material was delivered by dr. Imelda Hady, Inco
Hospital pediatrician as well as
one of lactation counselor in East Luwu.
At the end of the event,
a number of attendees,
including husbands and grandmothers,
shared stories about their efforts to support breastfeeding. |